Sheffield Refractories Ukriane
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Sheffield Refractories Limited is a UK based Monolithic Refractory Manufacturer and Installer based in Sheffield, South Yorkshire. The company has a primary interest in Shotcrete, Self-Flow and Pumping grade material technology along with products for specialist applications such as Blast Furnace Casthouse, (Taphole Clay, Runner Castables and Robotic Shotcerte Systems) and CFB Boiler / Incineration applications. The company philosophy is that Sheffield Refractories will provide products that have been specifically designed for specific applications rather than recommend the ‘best fit’ from an established range of materials.

Sheffield Refractories Ukriane

Address: Dnipro-Dnepropetrovsk-Radistov 5 Postal Code: 49027 Website:

Sponsored by: ACRI (The Association of China Refractories Industry), Tangshan YinNaiLian E-Business Co., Ltd.

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